
Hi, I'm Dan Kaufman, and I'm the owner of DKG Promotions. MarchMerch.com is a part of my company.

I've been a social and political activist since I was a teenager, pounding the streets of Philly and New York with my progressive Jewish friends as we rallied for better conditions for farm workers, self-determination for Palestinians, and equal rights for women, among other issues.

After coming out in 1984 at Oberlin College, I added LGBTQ rights to my growing list of causes, and in 1987 I attended the first of what would become many marches on Washington. In fact I moved to DC after graduating from Rutgers so that I could attend marches without having to travel. I was involved in the planning of the 1993 March on Washington for LGB Rights. I also helped plan and participated in many different political actions as a member of OUT DC, ACT UP/DC, and Queer Nation/DC in the early and mid 1990s.

From 1989 to about 1997 I ran a separate business, selling my original gay pride designs on buttons, t-shirts, postcards, bumper stickers, and other items. 

These days I volunteer when I can in the kitchen of Food & Friends, a DC-based organization that provides nutritious meals to homebound people with HIV/AIDS and other life-challenging illnesses, and I sing with the Gay Men's Chorus of Washington, which changes hearts through music.

The election in 2024 is for more than just a president. It's a referendum on the soul of our country. We have so much work to do. Let's [freaking] go!